
The Scottish Dementia Alumni – welcome!

This website and blog gives us space to host our own questionnaires, publications, links and images. We also have a blog section for current projects.

The Menu link will take you to our pages, where we have links to our publications and projects.

The Scottish Dementia Alumni is a group of campaigning friends in Scotland, who have each had a diagnosis of dementia for over five years.

Clockwise from bottom left:
Martin, Nancy, Agnes, James

The group certainly has long standing expertise by experience of dementia and we have co-written a book chapter about our part in the history of campaigning for human rights with dementia, since 1999.

The book, ‘A Critical History of Dementia Studies’, currently due for publication in September 23, has a Routledge page: https://www.routledge.com/A-Critical-History-of-Dementia-Studies/Fletcher-Capstick/p/book/9781032268774

Our game and resource project Dementia Through Our Eyes is in collaboration with Science Ceilidh and the ECREDibles.